Wednesday, September 15, 2010

personage 1....last day

The final day of 'personage 1' today...I remain undecided as to whether to continue with the assemblage pieces...the wooden crutch seems to evoke so many connections to the word 'personage'... it has such an austere presence that it is a personage in itself... as an object the structure offers so many possibilities...a friend made the comment that this work made them smile..which is always kind of nice...but for some reason as I completed it something in its implications infact made me cry...I think it may have been the clouds...but there is the thought that relates to notions of presence of absence in all that we a lot of things with my research I often find the hint of a concept more interesting then reading the life out of it...and this is one one those ideas that can go to depths beyond my breath...but essentially the idea of presence/absence allows for our experience of any particular moment in time to be structured on the interplay of what is immediate and present together with what is not presence...including the past...but also the anticipation of the future moment...the series of works that I titled 'Trace" explored this notion...the cut out box figure placed on the wind mobile in 'personage 1' is one of the pieces from that series...In many ways quite often what is occurring with my own work is that there is a continuum of traces from the things I have made times you have to look a little harder but I think it may be something that is inevitable if you are consistently making...perhaps?...but the presence/absence relationship is a part of my work that I prefer not to define or allow to become a conscious element for fear of destroying it...sp

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