Friday, November 5, 2010

"matchbox songs & gypsy hymns"...'miscellaneous'


 The miscellaneous can often provide a certain immediacy to ones response to experience... that for the artist or poet reality simply requires description and not re-constructed...descriptions that belong to the sensory world..accounts that evoke varying degrees of historical circumstance...the incidental and ready-made permeate the historical...narratives... suggestive of a particular awareness..descriptions of silent disclosures...the miscellaneous anticipates...wild thought.. immersed within the senses...remaining incomplete...this incompleteness exists within the realms of the relationship between presence and absence...but more deliberately it implies merleau-ponty's idea of "flesh" chair...something so close to the essence of experience that it dissolves the distance between self and object...that possible moment of dissolution, if it exists at all, belongs within the process of making...the studio provides that moment...what proportion of that 'flesh' moment is gathered or retained  within the work is difficult to gauge...but it remains inarticulate...beautifully silent like a child not wanting to be simply can not be explained away... the "durable flesh of the world" (m-p) contained within the miscellaneous...sp

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