Tuesday, May 7, 2013

'living in your very last house'....Mytho-Poetic

'living in your very last house'...iron and timber

This title comes from a line in a Rilke poem...I don't recall the title of the poem but there is something in that line that  anchors a mix of reflections to both the past and the present..I'm not certain this is the work that best fits the title but  its a start.

Artist book 'Album'...selected pages



  1. Why am I reaching again for the brushes?
    When I paint your portrait, God,
    nothing happens.

    But I can choose to feel you.

    At my senses' horizon
    you appear hesitantly,
    like scattered islands.

    Yet standing here, peering out,
    I'm all the time seen by you.

    The choruses of angels use up all of heaven.
    There's no more room for you
    in all that glory. You're living
    in your very last house.

    All creation holds its breath, listening within me,
    because, to hear you, I keep silent.

    ~ Ranier Maria Rilke ~

    (Rilke’s Book of Hours:Love Poems to God, translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)

  2. Thank you Annell...I'm putting away the 'brushes' to do some over due research writing.g.

  3. beautiful words and work reflection
