Saturday, July 9, 2011

"The Intuitionists" 1929-1935

I wanted to take a moment to share a story about a tan leather brief case of memorabilia given to me by an aunt who thought I could use some of its contents in a series of box assemblages pieces I was making in 2005.I am always reluctant to accept or use such gifts because my reason for making use of de facto objects has always been connected to that salient moment of their unforeseen discovery. The absence of that unexpected connection to anonymous objects makes it difficult for me to find a starting point to engage their use in an assemblage piece. It is a subtle yet poignant moment within the unfolding creative process but one that I regard as most crucial. That is part of the reason why the contents of this case have remained untouched  for the past six years.The most decisive reason though for it being ignored is that its contents possess a connection to those marginal confines of history that often pass unrecorded either due to their minor everyday nature or for the very reason that they transpire between the margins of the everyday and what is worthy of being named and recorded in history.
 The contents of this thin, tan coloured brief case reveals a story of a creative group of mostly Brisbane based women artists and poets who, from 1927-1935 called themselves "The Intuitionists" and whose founding member had a first hand experience of the Dada art movement with her attendance of the groups Hanover sound poetry recitals in 1922...(to be continued)sp. 

"The Intuitionists" founding member...Enid Baker+friend 1920


  1. that photo of enid says much, but you say not enough, leaving me hanging, as it were, on a thread. more!

    ...maybe such an archive is too loaded with meaning for you to work with.

  2. For me, it is the inclusion of the "gift." I think it always makes a great piece, but on the other hand, this tan folio is perfect as it is. A wonderful collection.
